OEan Cuty Offshore report start

6:16:00 AM

Just inshore of the Baltimore Canyon, Starting in 67.8 clean green blue water. Good morning hope they bite! SW wind about 10 knots
Speed: 7.56 mph
Course: SE

Lat: N 38°01’40.3536″
Lon: W 73°55’47.4060″

OEan Cuty Offshore report start

9:05:30 AM

Pretty slow offshore so we decided to take a ride inside and look for some Bluefins. Be back fishing in about 40 min
Speed: 25.16 mph
Course: WNW
Elevation: 14.34 ft.

Lat: N 38°01’48.0396″
Lon: W 73°56’29.8140″

11:15:00 AM

Catch a couple nice Yellowfins no Bluefins yet. Searching. 23 fathoms 71.4 dirty green water
Speed: 6.91 mph
Course: SSW

Lat: N 38°09’51.5340″
Lon: W 74°13’27.6276″

Ocean City Offshore report

12:12:15 PM

Pretty slow today both offshore and inshore Scattering of bites
Speed: 6.27 mph
Course: SW
Lon: W 74°14’41.0856″

Jun 23, 2017 1:52:45 PM

Slow day for us few fish. Starting to get windy going to be headed home shortly. No fishing again till Sunday
Speed: 6.91 mph Course: WSW
Elevation: 14.34 ft. Batt: Normal
Lat: N 38°10’49.5840″ Lon: W 74°25’53.5296

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