The inshore fishery in Ocean City Maryland is one of many quality species. The Reef Foundation has done an incredible job building it up for you to fish. There are numerous wrecks and many, many FAD’s (fish aggregating devices) that have been going into the water off Ocean City for decades so they have all had ample time to grow a super foundation for supporting life. Now don’t forget the inland waters around the area as well as the Ocean City Inlet itself. These shallow flats have produced some enormous Flounder. The rock jetty surrounding the Inlet well gives you great shots at large Striped Bass as well as Tautog. The summer months bring Flounder, Croaker, Blue fish and large Trout. The fall will produce real nice Striped Bass and plenty of Tautog, and Sea bass that will scare you.
To book your next Ocean City MD inshore fishing charter call J&A Charters at 1-855-GOT-BAIT (468-2248)