Live offshore fishing report 7-6

Rough weather today. Not many boats out here. We found a steady pick of yellowfins and had a good day.

yellowfin fishing report

7:14:30 AM

Kinda rough hard to get far today east winds about 17 knots. Catch a single Yellowfin 75 green water
Speed: 7.56 mph
Course: WSW
Elevation: 27.66 ft.
Batt: Normal
Lat: N 38°06’47.8368″
Lon: W 74°18’34.3800″

Live offshore fishing report 7-6

8:10:15 AM

Few bites just above me a couple miles Tough getting up the road. 4-6 foot seas
Speed: 6.91 mph
Course: E
Lat: N 38°06’46.3716″
Lon: W 74°17’16.2060″

8:44:30 AM

Made up here catch a single Yellowfin. Hope they keep biting. 75.5 green
Speed: 6.27 mph
Course: WSW

Lat: N 38°07’31.1376″
Lon: W 74°15’09.5940″

10:22:00 AM

Catching a few Yellowfins. Slow pick but after yesterday we will take it. Rough so hard to make tacks few boats here all catching. 76.4 grn
Speed: 6.27 mph
Course: WSW

Lat: N 38°07’56.1216″
Lon: W 74°14’30.5808″

12:24:45 PM

Slowed down quite a bit, catch a handful of Yellowfins. Hoping they turn in again soon. 3-6′ seas. E wind about 15 knots
Speed: 6.91 mph
Course: ENE

Lat: N 38°08’11.8428″
Lon: W 74°14’32.1288″

1:00:15 PM

Catch one out of a double ugg. Still hear one every now and then.
Speed: 6.91 mph
Course: E

Lat: N 38°10’00.8796″
Lon: W 74°13’36.1236″

1:21:00 PM

Phew just catch a double, all nice Yellowfins. All bait bites today
Speed: 6.91 mph
Course: SSE

Lat: N 38°10’31.4688″
Lon: W 74°14’10.5000″

1:33:45 PM

Catch a single. Ahh. Patience helped!
Speed: 6.27 mph
Course: NNE

Lat: N 38°10’32.9736″
Lon: W 74°14’09.6468″

2:17:00 PM

Good day with terrible conditions. Box is full enough headed home. We try again in the AM.
Speed: 7.56 mph
Course: WNW

Lat: N 38°10’26.0256″
Lon: W 74°14’06.4068″

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