It’s been a long week! We traveled from Islamorada to Ocean City which took three and a half days and was very uneventful…thank goodness!
We fished today and did real well with the tunas. We had a group of 8 and they had more than their share of bites. The green spreader bar was a huge success for us as well as ballyhoo, fresh from Florida. Nothing special today as the fish seemed to eat real well for us all morning and slowed in the afternoon.
The water was 65.3 to 66.8 and a blend of clean green and dirty green. We started on the inside of the Hambone and had plenty of nice bait marks. It looked to me to be sand eels and butterfish. The bottom was lit up in some areas and as I did a little wandering we didn’t find a whole lot out by the Hot Dog. We did manage to get several bites working that way but lost most of our bait. The fish ranged mostly from 37” to 45” and we did manage to find a nice fat one that weighed in at 125lb’s!
The shark fishing seems to be going rather well also. I did hear of a 506lb Thresher boated today as well as several Makos all inside the 20 fathom line. So, overall things are off to a real great start! We are really going hard at it starting Thursday so stay tuned!
Capt.John Oughton – THAT’S RIGHT
cell 305-481-6527